When you’re working on a cruise ship a lot of things are provided for you; your accommodation (aka: cabin – which includes your utility bills!), your food, entertainment, laundry, gym membership, health insurance, medical coverage. A lot of life’s expenses! Maybe you have some bills back home, but most people don’t keep an apartment back home – maybe a storage unit. There are some people who work on cruise ships who have family back home, but since they don’t need to spend much while they’re living on the ship, they can afford to send even more money home. Here's a great video from CruiseTuber, Krista Jocelyn, who is a performer on a cruise ship, who averages about $200 a week.
Ahoy there! Let’s talk SAFETY! This is the third in this three-part series of real-life court cases involving safety incidents in theatres on cruise ships. Be sure to read about CASE # 1 at: https://www.cruisetechies.com/cruisetechies-blog/safety-lawsuit-series-case-1 Be sure to read about CASE # 2 at: https://www.cruisetechies.com/cruisetechies-blog/safety-lawsuit-series-case-2 This third lawsuit is a reminder that the performers’ safety comes first. As a lighting designer I would like nothing more than to accentuate something with a light cue or blackout, but not when it puts the performer’s safety at risk. This is a great example of this situation. It’s also a great example of when the house staff needs to make announcements about flash photography…. Read on MacDuff… Curious about the types of venues you might be working in on cruise ships? All of these venues need SMs/PMs, lighting, sound, a/v, and/or stage technicians. On most cruise ships, of course, there’s shows in the main theatre. These can range from full (but usually shortened) Broadway shows, to a variety of entertainers, to the ship’s crew last night gala. Then there’s the ever-popular game shows. These are typically either held in the main theatre or in the atrium. The smaller venues – bars and night clubs - are usually used for karaoke, comedians, live music, lectures and so on, but they still need the lights brought up and the microphones turned on. Sometimes these smaller acts are set up in hallways and other public areas. Royal Caribbean ships also have ice skating shows and aqua shows, which are highly technical spectaculars in and of themselves. Check out this blog from Emma Cruises, where she extensively lists the venues typically found on cruise ships… Ahoy there! Let’s talk SAFETY! This is the second in a series of real life court cases involving safety incidents in theatres on cruise ships. (One more coming after this one – in two weeks.) Be sure to read about CASE # 1 at: https://www.cruisetechies.com/cruisetechies-blog/safety-lawsuit-series-case-1 This lawsuit is again about a pit fall, but involves an audience member. When we think about theatre accidents we often think about the performers or crew while the audience sits and looks on. However, cruise ship shows and events often involve a lot of audience participation. I’ll let Monona tell you all about it, then we’ll talk… Be sure to watch this video from ‘cruisetubers’ Jared and Jordan with JJ Cruise, which viewed in May of 2024 (21:17 minutes). In it they interview and film Cruise Director Lewis, who has been working on cruise ships for 17 years – and still loving it! – and is now on the Celebrity Apex. Join them as they talk about… |
Your ONE-STOP PORT for information about working in theatres on cruise ships. Here you will find interviews with on board techies, links to cruise techie YouTubers, and useful information about working on cruises. WANT TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT WORKING ON A CRUISE SHIP?
Check out a Discovery Cruise! Teachers can go on Discovery Cruises, too! Click here LETS BE SHIP MATES!
December 2024
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